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M.E.V. Foundation Objectives


The M.E.V. Foundation aims to achieve a wide range of objectives designed to contribute to improving quality of life and community development. Our goal is to create a positive and sustainable impact through diverse initiatives and projects covering multiple areas of responsibility.


1. Impact Projects and Programs


We develop, encourage, formulate, promote, and implement projects, activities, actions, events, initiatives, and programs with significant impact in communities.


2. Protection and Social Assistance


We carry out and facilitate specific protection and social assistance activities for various categories, especially during humanitarian crises, conflicts, and calamities. These include supporting refugees, integrating them into society, fundraising and donations, logistic and financial support, material aid, counseling, and psychological support.


3. Social Services and Counseling


We provide and facilitate social services, counseling, social aid, and recommendations for individuals and families, including assistance services for children and adolescents, disaster victims, refugees, and immigrants.


4. Cultural Heritage Conservation


We organize and support activities for the conservation and development of both material and immaterial cultural heritage.


5. Cultural and Artistic Events


We facilitate the organization of exhibitions, shows, concerts, and other cultural and artistic events, thereby enriching cultural life.


6. Seminars and Workshops


We organize seminars, round tables, colloquia, and practical workshops on community-interest topics, encouraging dialogue and the exchange of ideas.

7. Conferences and Debates


We facilitate the organization of conferences, public debates, summer schools, promotion campaigns, workshops, and symposia, both locally and internationally.

8. Training and Professional Development


We organize training, qualification, and professional development courses for adults to develop skills and improve occupational competence.

9. Study Visits


We organize internships, study visits, and documentation to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

10. Educational Activities


We promote and support curricular and extracurricular activities, organizing educational events such as competitions, creative camps, excursions, and hikes.

11. Opinion Polls


We organize, coordinate, and evaluate public opinion polls to better understand community needs and opinions.

12. Community Campaigns


We conduct campaigns on community-interest topics, bringing relevant issues to the forefront and mobilizing resources for positive change.

13. Consultancy and Guidance


We provide guidance and consultancy in various fields for individuals and legal entities interested in our areas of expertise.

14. Material and Financial Support


We provide donations, scholarships, and other forms of material and financial support to assist individuals and families in need.

15. Access to Education and the Job Market


We facilitate access for vulnerable groups to education and the job market, supporting them in developing skills and integrating into society.

16. Publishing Activities


We stimulate the publishing activities of young people by editing publications independently or in collaboration with other organizations, utilizing young people's activities.

17. Research and Creation


We encourage research and creative activities, developing certification and recertification programs in the field of school and vocational counseling.

18. Informational and Educational Materials


We design, produce, and edit informational and educational materials in various fields, both in print and electronic formats.

19. Professional Training


We organize training and professional development activities for young people and adults, supporting them in achieving personal and professional success.

20. Environmental Protection


We initiate and support programs and projects in the field of environmental protection, promoting responsible ecological behavior.

21. Volunteering Policies


We encourage volunteering, attracting and educating volunteers to implement our activities.

22. Collaborations and Partnerships


We promote, maintain, and develop collaborative relationships and partnerships with other organizations and institutions, both nationally and internationally.

23. Consortia and European Projects


We participate in forming consortia for implementing projects, including European projects, maximizing the impact of our initiatives.

24. Accredited Social Services


We establish, organize, and fund accredited and licensed social services, ensuring high standards of quality and efficiency.

25. Human Rights


We organize and coordinate programs to promote and defend human rights, with a particular focus on the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups.

26. Cultural Exchanges


We organize and participate in cultural exchanges, thereby facilitating intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.

27. Promotion Activities


We edit and distribute promotional materials to popularize the Foundation's activities and attract community support.

28. Protection of Historical Monuments


We support the protection and restoration of historical monuments, contributing to the conservation of national cultural heritage.

29. Inventory and Conservation


We carry out inventory, conservation, and archiving activities for cultural and architectural heritage elements.

30. Administration of Cultural Objectives


We manage mobile and immovable cultural heritage objectives, promoting them for tourism and ensuring their conservation.

31. Research and Study


We support study and research activities in our areas of operation, contributing to the development of knowledge and innovation.

32. Social and Charitable Assistance


We carry out social and charitable assistance activities, helping disadvantaged individuals and disaster victims.

33. Equipping Institutions


We equip libraries, educational institutions, and cultural centers with publications, books, and necessary furniture.

34. Network Creation


We facilitate the creation of networks for disseminating messages and exchanging knowledge, building synergies across disciplinary and sectoral boundaries.

35. Public Opinion Sensitization


We organize courses, seminars, conferences, and public debates to sensitize public opinion and promote Foundation programs.

36. Legislative Proposals


We develop legislative proposals for the development and improvement of our areas of responsibility, in accordance with European and international standards.

37. Transportation and Accommodation Activities


We organize transportation and accommodation activities to facilitate the achievement of the Foundation's goals and objectives.

38. Tourism Development


We organize actions to develop local tourism in all its forms, promoting it both nationally and internationally.

39. Promotion of Culture and Traditions


We support and promote heritage values, Romanian culture, and traditions in both national and international contexts.

40. Studies and Research


We collect statistical data, studies, and research, developing strategies for various sectors and regions.

41. Networking


We conduct networking activities to facilitate collaborations and the implementation of joint projects.

42. Compatible Activities


We organize any other actions compatible with the Foundation's scope, ensuring that we remain flexible and adaptable to community needs.

For more information about our activities and objectives, please feel free to contact us:

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